Sunday, March 2, 2008

What's On Your Mind?

I have recently been intrigued by the portion of scripture that says "Let this mind be in you as it was in Christ Jesus."  It is clear by looking into God's Word that it is His divine desire that we have The Mind of Christ.  

What does it mean to have His mind?  Paul talked about this in Romans when he mentioned that in order for us to remain unconformed from this world we must allow ourselves to be transormed BY THE RENEWING OF OUR MINDS!

There is such a battle in the generation that you and I are a part of to keep our minds unfettered.  Daily there are countless darts thrown that distract us from what our main purpose is - To have the mind of Christ.

I want my mind to be what God wants it to be.  In a time where there are so many distractions, take time to renew your mind.  Take time to ask God to give you His mind for the things you are dealing with daily.  Paul seems to tie in with the fact that if we renew our minds and allow the transforming power of God's spirit, we will have the ability to determine the will of God for our lives.

Now that is what I want on my mind!



Mark Pryor said...

Great post. Part of my daily prayer over the past few years has been this very thing. It stands to reason if most of our battles occur on the battlefield of mind that this would also be where our victories would occur.

Misty Hamel said...

Bro. Sargent,
You are a very good writer! I enjoyed reading through your blog. It was so nice to hear from you the other day! Of course we would love for you to visit us.
I am headed over to your other blog to check out the comedy.