Wednesday, February 20, 2008


Change is good!  I never said it was easy I just said it is good.  I am often amazed how people respond to change.  That sort of change that attacks the status quo, change that ruffles the feathers of life and challenges you to dig a little deeper in your relationship with God.  I have watched people resist change and I have many times wondered why.  The benefit that change brings into ones life is usually much better than the rut they were in.  

But suffice it to say change is hard.  We grow comfortable where we are.  We like the familiar, we take comfort in the same surroundings and when God comes along and says - Can I take you higher?  We often dismiss the voice because it requires us to leave where we are to where He wants us to be.

In my life, I do not want to be resistant to change.  I want to grow, I want to become, I want to prosper in my relationship with God and with others so I must learn to adapt to the moving of the Spirit.  I must remember that God is not a MONUMENT - HE IS A MOVEMENT!  He has been moving since the beginning of time as we know it.  

Genesis describes that "The Spirit of the Lord MOVED upon the face of the deep."  When God gets to moving and working things start to change - things that had no shape begin to be shaped.  He brings light into dark situations.  Oh what change can do!

The eagle is majestic.  Watching an eagle fly is something that is awe inspiring to me.  But that eagle did not always fly like that.  There was a day that that eagle was just an eaglet in the comfort of the nest till Mama eagle decided to make the nest a little uncomfortable.  Uncomfortable to the point that the baby eagle makes his way to the edge only to be pushed over the edge by the mother eagle.  Sounds cruel but it is the only way that little eaglet is going to learn to fly.

I guess there are times God has to make things uncomfortable in our lives to teach us how to fly. Well these are just my thoughts this morning.  God bless!! 



Anonymous said...

you seem to have an obsession with eagles....if we believed in such things, i'l say you were one in a prievious life! lol
i have been meaning to tell you that your message in this week's church bulletin touched my heart and this blog is reminesent of the bulletin! it is reassuring when God gives confirmation of a message we feel he is trying to give us.

enjoy the rest of your week!
your favorite grace builder,

Unknown said...

When a train goes through a tunnel and it gets dark, you don't throw away the ticket and jump off. You sit still and trust the engineer.

Corrie Ten Boom

Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

"Nobody likes changes, but a wet baby". A former boss favorite quote. How true.
The comment about a train in a tunnel is great. I can "get" that easy - lots of long tunnels in Switzerland (I spend all my vacations growing up, there).