Saturday, June 28, 2008

Jr. Camp Update

I just returned from the So Cal District Jr. Camp and wow what a time. I stand amazed at how God pours out His Spirit at these camps. Close to 50 kids received the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. It was awesome.

On the last night I stood in the altar and watched as over 200 kids were dancing, lost in the spirit, receiving victory and just enjoying the presence of the Lord. It got me to thinking. There is nothing like the experience of the Holy Ghost. I was raised on this experience. You cannot tell me it is not real.

In the culture and society in which we live - we need the power of the Holy Ghost like never before. It transforms lives. I am so thankful that what I experienced at camps as a kid is still being experienced today.

Thank God for dedicated men and women that take the time to see that the kids of this generation can experience the power of the Spirit of God at work in their lives.

I'll write more later.
Enjoying the experience!!


Thursday, June 12, 2008

Even On Vacation

Well my family and I have been on vacation for close to two weeks now and we will be heading home in the next couple of days. It has been a great time of rest, relaxation and hysterical fun. My kids are hilarious. We have laughed and enjoyed the much needed time that we have had together as a family. But even in the midst of the frivolity it seems that God has a way of speaking to you.

As a pastor it is so great to have the time off and recoup. As I awoke this morning I felt that familiar pull to spend some time with my Maker. Vacations are fun and needed but there is nothing like being in His presence. I left the time together refreshed in my spirit.

I am going to enjoy the next few final days of my vacation but I am so excited for the weekend back in the pulpit of the church i have been called to pastor.

Hope to have more to write later.

On vacation and not answering many phone calls!!
