Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Still on the Journey

Been a long time since I have written a post in my blog. It is not that I haven’t had anything to write, it has just been a very busy but introspective time in my life. Through this time in my life, I have realized a few things that I thought I would put down in this blog and get some of your feedback on.

First of all - and this is not something new or profound but - life is really not all about the destination - IT IS ALL ABOUT THE JOURNEY. Don’t get me wrong, where we end up is very vital, but if all we think about is the destination we can never learn from the journey we are on. We will spend our time focusing so much on the end result instead of being shaped by the process of the journey. It is in the journey that we find what we are truly made up of and how we are being shaped for where we will end up.

Enjoy the journey - learn to live in the moment. Look around where you are and see what God is doing in the now. Get the vision of where He wants you to go but in your “going” pick up some tid bits of life and the lessons it brings along the way.

Just some thoughts that have been on my mind. I’ll write some more on the journey.

Still traveling