Thursday, June 12, 2008

Even On Vacation

Well my family and I have been on vacation for close to two weeks now and we will be heading home in the next couple of days. It has been a great time of rest, relaxation and hysterical fun. My kids are hilarious. We have laughed and enjoyed the much needed time that we have had together as a family. But even in the midst of the frivolity it seems that God has a way of speaking to you.

As a pastor it is so great to have the time off and recoup. As I awoke this morning I felt that familiar pull to spend some time with my Maker. Vacations are fun and needed but there is nothing like being in His presence. I left the time together refreshed in my spirit.

I am going to enjoy the next few final days of my vacation but I am so excited for the weekend back in the pulpit of the church i have been called to pastor.

Hope to have more to write later.

On vacation and not answering many phone calls!!


1 comment:

James Wilder said...

Next sunday's sermon will be about catching fish, fighting bears, pitching your tent toward Sodom, the refreshing of the Spirit....any other camping/vacation terms you can think up? (There's probably thousands considering the amount of nomadic Bible characters that God used).

Enjoy the vacation!