Having the opportunity to be in Washington this past week, gave me the chance to go see my Grandmother Sargent who will be 94 in just a few weeks. I took Carson with me and it was an awesome time. She told us about her experience in receiving the Holy Ghost many years ago. It was incredible to hear her tell how real the Holy Ghost still is and how much she needs it in her life - SHE IS ALMOST 94 - WOW!!
I had her lay hands on Carson before we left and the power of God came down in her apartment as she began to pray and prophesy over my son. I will never forget those few hours we spent together last Friday with one of my heroes in life. I have been given such an awesome heritage and I want to pass it down to my children.
Awesome post. Reminds me of my grandmother who is 96 and everytime I talk to her she tells me that she is praying for me. WOW, what a blessing it is to have a great heritage in the faith!
This is so awesome! How blessed we are when we have such a heritage. I know Carson was blessed by his grandmother laying hands on him. It don't get any better than that. :)
One of the greatest gifts passed down from generation to generation is a rich apostolic heritage. I was so blessed to have a wonderful Christian grandfather who established a strong Christian heritage for my family and that is one of the most precious things in my life. Thank God those who have passed the mantle down to our generations.
WOW! What a beautiful lady! What a great heritage and so neat for Carson to experience that time with her!
Can't believe how grown up Carson is!!
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