I woke up this morning with this thought on my mind for today. The Bible says that Paul was forsaken by Demas because Demas loved this PRESENT world. The thought grabbed me this morning that Demas was so in love with what IS whereas Paul was in love with what IS TO COME!
Can we become so enamored with the present, the tangible, the same o same o that we neglect to live our lives for what is to come? Are we so comfortable in the present that we refuse to step into the future because we have grown accustomed to our surroundings, afraid to venture beyond here - afraid to commit to the unseen beyond.
Everything in God's economy is measured by two things - FAITH AND OBEDIENCE. The Word of God says that obedience is better than sacrifice and it says of faith that without it - we are unable to please God - two non tangible things that are required to venture beyond where we currently are to where God is instructing us to go.
Abraham BELIEVED GOD and it was counted unto him for righteousness - HE simply BELIEVED God was taking him beyond the here and now, even though he couldn't see it, to the place of promise for his life.
I want to believe and I want to obey whatever it is God is asking of me. That is the only way we will ever get a glimpse of the unseen future!
Just a thought,