Thursday, March 27, 2008

Four Days In

Well I am into the fourth day of a class that I am taking here in Valley Forge, PA. The class is entitled "The Spiritual Formation of the Minister" It has been a great class and I am being stretched in my learning. It is hard to teach an old dog new tricks - LOL It has been challenging but good. I will post more comments and pics when I can.

I'm Out!!
Darin S.

Sunday, March 23, 2008

What A Difference One Day Can Make

What must it have been like that morning that Jesus conquered this thing called death? It is hard to imagine what must of raced through the minds of the disciples and those that viewed an empty tomb. It is amazing to me what difference one day can make. One day all those that had placed their trust in Christ are mourning - the next day - celebration! What a difference one day can make. One day hell is throwing a party - the next day - their keys are taken from them. What a difference one day can make.

I am so thankful for this season of celebrating the Death, Burial and the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. I hope today will be that one day that will make a difference in someone's life.

Happy Resurrection Morning

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Early Morning Sounds

I love the mornings!! For the most part, I am an early riser. There is nothing quite like that early morning feeling, that feeling that comes when the sun is peeking over the horizon, that feeling that comes when birds start their chirping - you know that before 5:30 AM feeling. I find myself in my office at home, just returned from the church and drinking my cup of joe and I start to hear the shuffling of feet and the creak of my kids beds as they start to rise for their day. Our little one is the first to rise (as always) and she comes bouncing down the stair with a big GOOD MORNING DADDY - she loves life and I am glad she does. Sure makes my life a little easier.

As I think about all this I can't help but think that God must love mornings also. The Bible says that EACH MORNING HIS MERCIES ARE NEW!! Wow!! In a world like ours that has so many limits it is hard for us to imagine that there is a God that never runs out of mercy - each and every morning His mercies start all over again. In a world that is defined by time we serve a God that never worries about the clock, you never find him stressed out over situations, He is never deterred by circumstances - each day is a brand new day for Him to do something great in our lives.

Well I better stop for now - I need a second cup!!

Enjoying the morning -

this is the view I get to wake up to every morning!! awesome!!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Cornerstone Rocks!!

I had the privilege at the end of our trip in Washington last week, to drive over to Spokane to preach for a long time friend, Rick Mayo. 14 years ago Bro. & Sis. Mayo went to Spokane and started a church from nothing and today they are running well over 200 people. It was great to be back at Cornerstone and see what God is doing there. It is amazing what Preaching can do!! Bro. Mayo has raised up a church through the power of preaching the Word of God. I was impressed with the number of young people and young couples so excited about revival and what God is doing there at Cornerstone.

I began preaching for Cornerstone over 10 years ago and have seen them in every phase of the church. From the storefront to the building that they are too large for now, Bro. Mayo enthusiastically showed me the plans for the next step that Cornerstone is taking - building a new facility on property they own off the interstate!! I have watched God raise up a powerfully Apostolic church in the heart of Spokane Valley. It was such a delight to be with them and to experience what God is doing. Here are some pictures of the service. God bless!!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


Having the opportunity to be in Washington this past week, gave me the chance to go see my Grandmother Sargent who will be 94 in just a few weeks. I took Carson with me and it was an awesome time. She told us about her experience in receiving the Holy Ghost many years ago. It was incredible to hear her tell how real the Holy Ghost still is and how much she needs it in her life - SHE IS ALMOST 94 - WOW!!

I had her lay hands on Carson before we left and the power of God came down in her apartment as she began to pray and prophesy over my son. I will never forget those few hours we spent together last Friday with one of my heroes in life. I have been given such an awesome heritage and I want to pass it down to my children.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

This Present World

I woke up this morning with this thought on my mind for today. The Bible says that Paul was forsaken by Demas because Demas loved this PRESENT world. The thought grabbed me this morning that Demas was so in love with what IS whereas Paul was in love with what IS TO COME!

Can we become so enamored with the present, the tangible, the same o same o that we neglect to live our lives for what is to come? Are we so comfortable in the present that we refuse to step into the future because we have grown accustomed to our surroundings, afraid to venture beyond here - afraid to commit to the unseen beyond.

Everything in God's economy is measured by two things - FAITH AND OBEDIENCE. The Word of God says that obedience is better than sacrifice and it says of faith that without it - we are unable to please God - two non tangible things that are required to venture beyond where we currently are to where God is instructing us to go.

Abraham BELIEVED GOD and it was counted unto him for righteousness - HE simply BELIEVED God was taking him beyond the here and now, even though he couldn't see it, to the place of promise for his life.

I want to believe and I want to obey whatever it is God is asking of me. That is the only way we will ever get a glimpse of the unseen future!

Just a thought,


Saturday, March 8, 2008


I want to say thanks to the leadership of the youth department of the WA District. You guys and gals - did an excellent job putting on a great youth convention. To all the young people - thank you so much for responding the way you did, flowing in the spirit, and allowing God to challenge you for the future. I believe in each of you and I look forward to hearing some great reports coming out of this group.

Thanks for your kindness and hospitality. I will forever be impacted by what we experienced together in the realms of glory. Let God continue to use and guide your lives.

For Young People,

Darin S.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Washington Youth Convention First Night

Wow!  God is good.  We had an awesome service last night and I am thankful for what God did on the very first night.  I have included a short video to show you the altar time of the service.  Some great kids up here hungry for God to work in their lives.  Stay tuned.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

On Our Way

Carson and I are on our way to Washington to preach the Wa Dist. Youth Convention and this is what we look like having to get up at 4:45am.  Stay tuned for updates throughout the week and a report of all that God is going to do this week.
God bless

Sunday, March 2, 2008

What's On Your Mind?

I have recently been intrigued by the portion of scripture that says "Let this mind be in you as it was in Christ Jesus."  It is clear by looking into God's Word that it is His divine desire that we have The Mind of Christ.  

What does it mean to have His mind?  Paul talked about this in Romans when he mentioned that in order for us to remain unconformed from this world we must allow ourselves to be transormed BY THE RENEWING OF OUR MINDS!

There is such a battle in the generation that you and I are a part of to keep our minds unfettered.  Daily there are countless darts thrown that distract us from what our main purpose is - To have the mind of Christ.

I want my mind to be what God wants it to be.  In a time where there are so many distractions, take time to renew your mind.  Take time to ask God to give you His mind for the things you are dealing with daily.  Paul seems to tie in with the fact that if we renew our minds and allow the transforming power of God's spirit, we will have the ability to determine the will of God for our lives.

Now that is what I want on my mind!