Monday, August 25, 2008

God never ceases to amaze!!

Another productive powerful day @ The Point this past Sunday. (for more info go to It was jammed packed once again as God began to do an awesome work in both of our services.

It was great to have my parents with us yesterday. My father spoke in our Navigate class and did an exceptional job. His topic was "You got to have a song." It was great to have them @ The Point and let them have the opportunity to see what God is doing.

In our Sunday Morning Experience service the place was jammed from side to side and front to back. As we began to worship I was amazed at the people God is working in. Lives are being transformed. That is what this is all about. Letting the power of God work in someone's life. It has always been something that amazes me about God. His ability to turn an addict into an usher, a suicidal teenager into a worship leader, a homeless individual into a preacher!! I love it!

As the preaching went forth about "Standing Faith" God began to do His thing once again. If you run out of things to pray - pray for The Point that God will give us His direction over the next few months.

For His Cause,

Pastor Darin Sargent

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Enjoyed the time but glad to be home!

Last week we attended the final camp meeting for the state of California and Nevada. It was a combined camp for the Western District and the newly formed So Cal District. I must say that this was one the best camps I have attended in many years. Every service had a powerful touch from God upon it and we saw many receive the Baptism of the Holy Ghost and many others receive miracles in their lives.

I am thankful for these times when the people of God can get together. There is nothing better than fellowship and enjoying friends that you only get to see a couple of times a year. Having friends that are of like mind and like faith is important in this journey. We are all busy - that is life! And to have those moments in your life where you can worship, pray and have fun with fellow ministers and families makes the busy times of life worth going through.

I thank God for the fellowship! I thank God for friends that will pray and seek God with me for the things that I am facing in my life and ministry.

Many say that camps are the things of the past - Bologna - They are a part of who we are and they need to continue! They are a source of encouragement, strength, friendships, and fellowship. This is just my 2 cents on the matter.

I thank God for these moments in my life.

Enjoying the journey,

Darin Sargent