Monday, December 11, 2006

The Journey of a Lifetime

I recently was enrolled in my first Seminary class and had to fly to Pennsylvania to take the class. The class was on discipleship and it was very challenging. It is amazing what comes out about yourself when you spend some time really focusing on areas of your life that you know need correction.

As a result of taking this class, I was instructed for my homework assignment, to create a personal discipleship program addressing the areas of my life and personality that needed the most attention. Wow - what a journey. I have always strived to have a devotional life, spending quality time in prayer and study, but this plan that i created is going to push me beyond what is comfortable.

I realized from the beginning of starting this plan that this is going to be the journey of a lifetime and I am anxious to see what God is going to do.

On the journey,

Darin Sargent

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