Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Challenge of Crossing Over

Sunday NPWC had one of those services. The kind of service that people do not want to leave. It has been that way the last few months and I am so excited about what is going on @ "The Point." But every victory comes at some expense. The battles that many are facing and our church is facing have been difficult. There is always a challenge in crossing over and it has to be that way. You will never appreciate the beauty of what lies beyond unless you have to work for it.

I remember when I was 14 years old. I wanted a Mongoose Californian BMX bike. I wanted it bad! I remember going by the bike shop and drooling over that chrome BMX dream machine. The jumps I could do, the trails I could ride, the races I could win - they were all wrapped up in that bike with the white tires. We lived in Idaho and money wasn't something that grew on trees for the Sargent family so if I wanted that bike I needed to work for it. I saved up my money, money that I made working in the farmers fields near our house - pulling cockleburs. We would get up early and head out and believe me it was not fun. What 13-14 year old boy wants to spend his summer mornings walking through the rows of beans pulling weeds to make a couple of bucks an hour. But what used to keep me motivated is that I kept a picture of that bike in my wallet. I had cut it out of a newspaper and stuffed it between the empty pieces of my velcro (cool velcro checkered money carrier by the way) wallet.

I finally saved up the money I needed and I got that bike and boy was it sweet. The work it took to get there was worth it because I had what I spent many days dreaming about.

What are you dreaming about? Has life and the struggle dimmed the view of what could be on the other side of what you are dealing with? Has the challenge grown larger than the crown? I think from time to time we all need to recognize that the harder it is in getting over the greater it will be in receiving what is over there. Sometimes you have to put a picture in your wallet so to speak, and look at it every once in a while. This is why I am enduring the hardship, this is why I am wrestling through the things of life.

May your challenges prepare you for your crowns!

Darin Sargent


Catherine Roseberry-Meyer said...

Thank you for this post. Yes, we've got to keep our focus on the "why" we endure, and remember the harder the battle - the sweeter the victory.

Mark Pryor said...

Great post, Bro., looking forward to you being with us in a few days.